
Showing posts from November, 2022

Filtration System(s)

  Hello to whomever may be reading. I have 2 core or main classes, one being named "Water". Water is mix of both math and science circled around math (hence the name). For this term we have been discussing and learning about the chemicals in water and the filtration of the water we drink. For an FE we visited a water plant and were taken through many parts of the building. In some parts of the building, it was hard to hear but it was a very cool experience. We were then assigned a project, building our own water filtration system! We were first required to sketch out what we want our filter to look like (provided above)--then gather the materials we needed. No two filters looked the same, everyone was very creative in the way their filter was made and what was used to create the filter. I then created a logarithmic scale comparing the TDS of Chicago's water, my water before and after filtration, along with distilled and salt water. My scales are visible below.  We also we

Production of JAB

  Hello! I’m B.R. For our final action project, we had the option of working alone or with a group. I chose two great friends and classmates of mine that greatly compliment my work ethic; Aerise and Janiya. In my weakest academic skills they are strong. We decided to create a music video and were assigned SDG’s 4 (Quality Education) and 5 (Gender Equality), we decided it would be best if we found a way to combine the two. Both our video and song lyrics was inspired by the idea of a married woman in an abusive relationship seeking to better her academic learning though she’d been told to stay home and clean. We produced our own video and decided our production name should be “JAB” standing for “Janiya, Aerise, and Brooklyn”. When beginning the creation of our song we had to overcome a large hurdle—finding a beat. We decided to first, find an instrumental, then create our lyrics in accordance to it. After a few discussions we decided on “Bad” by Wale feat. Tiara Thomas. It took a lot of

Pen Pal Friend

  Dear PenPal ,  How have you been? Anything new? I’m so excited to share this news with you! The whole 9th grade went to visit Pilsen. We took a train and did loads of walking. Pilsen reminds me of my own neighborhood! They’re both pretty calm, quiet neighborhoods but they hold so much life.  Pilsen is a predominantly Mexican neighborhood. It is proudly anchored in Mexican culture, which is reflected in its eateries, public artwork, and community activity. The establishments on 18th Street stand as a testament to the perseverance of immigrant entrepreneurs. They arrived in Chicago and created bakeries, cafes, and restaurants that had a profound impact on the neighborhood. The Pilsen neighborhood's following generation has pushed it to being one of Chicago's most significant locations for all types of art. People often travel great distances to Pilsen for its wonderful original Latinx food, distinctive antique stores and boutiques, exciting entertainment options, and stunning m