
Showing posts from September, 2022

Water Will Remember

  Hello, I'm B.R and I'm a freshman! In our water class, we based our unit on the use of water around the world. In class, my classmates and I watched a video about an Ethiopian girl about our age. A large portion of her daily life is taken away because she constantly travels to find and collect water for her family. From the time she leaves until the time she returns, 9 hours have passed, that's nearly half of the day! She hardly ever has time for school studies! Our teacher, Will, decided to take us on a FE (Field Experience)! On this FE, we gave a visit to the Chicago River, everyone had gallons worth of containers! We went through the rough experience of collecting and carrying water. It was an eye-opener. When we aren't discussing how other countries and regions utilize water, we are practicing proportions, cross multiplying, and percentages. My favorite part of water other than the FE's, is cross multiplying! In water we also calculated our water usage in ou

PSA: "I AM equal to you."

  Hello! I'm B.R. and I will be introducing you to a project PSA pertaining to the fifth SDG (Sustainable Development Goal): Gender Equality. My group and I agreed that between the SDG's 4,5, or 6, number five is an important topic to us all. We focused on the double standards of the expectations between the male and female sexes. Double standards have always brought harm in all communities and all standards of society causing discrimination amongst a specific group of people. This is what was discussed and covered in our video. Completing this project has enabled me to realize that everyone has the power to fight for any form of improvement they want to see in society. Advocating for your beliefs is very important. I, now, better understand the effects and dangers of 'social class'. It not simply a systematic unjust but a societal too. I struggled most with organization, whether it was organization of time or of the video, I overcame my management difficulties and subm

WATER Poster

  Hi. I'm B.R, I am a freshman, and recently my class and I attended the Chicago Riverwalk for an action project on WATER and SDG's (Sustainable Development Goals). We were told to observe the ways in which people and things interact with water. When it was time to share what we observed, many of our answers were of similarity: Some people used water as a source of entertainment, whereas others may ignore water. Many people, including my classmates, stopped to enjoy the scenery, but on another note, many would simply pass by. We watched a video about a poverty-stricken area in Africa. Many children fell ill and even died due to the contaminated water they and their families collected. As a result, many of the children missed out on school and fell behind their classmates in the process. On other accounts, if they weren't sick, they still were not able to attend school because they were at home helping to carry the unsanitary water home. For another portion of our project, w