Water Will Remember


Hello, I'm B.R and I'm a freshman! In our water class, we based our unit on the use of water around the world. In class, my classmates and I watched a video about an Ethiopian girl about our age. A large portion of her daily life is taken away because she constantly travels to find and collect water for her family. From the time she leaves until the time she returns, 9 hours have passed, that's nearly half of the day! She hardly ever has time for school studies! Our teacher, Will, decided to take us on a FE (Field Experience)! On this FE, we gave a visit to the Chicago River, everyone had gallons worth of containers! We went through the rough experience of collecting and carrying water. It was an eye-opener. When we aren't discussing how other countries and regions utilize water, we are practicing proportions, cross multiplying, and percentages. My favorite part of water other than the FE's, is cross multiplying! In water we also calculated our water usage in our homes and compared to the average American. I noticed that some of us used more water than the average American. With that knowledge we compared the average American usage to other country's usage of water. The country of my choice that I compared to the United States was Democratic Republic of Congo. The water usage in Democratic Republic of Congo compared to the United States is far less than I’d first anticipated!! 

The process of both this FE and the poster was an empathizing experience and I learned so many new things! We are ‘privileged’ of so many things given to us easily, we never really stop and think about how advantaged we are compared to other countries such as, the Democratic Republic of Congo.


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