The Gardener

Hello. As you may know, I am B.R. 

    In our Food class, we have covered geometry, we reviewed how to find the area and volume of different shapes, including: Squares, Circles, Triangles, Cylinders, Rectangles, etc. Another thing we've covered in class is the different chemicals within our atmosphere, water, and especially soil. The three macronutrients in nutrients are: 1. Nitrogen, 2. Phosphorus, and 3. Potassium. We have also talked about the different perspectives/theories of nature between two very influential people in history,  Fukuoka (whom considered nature a companion or peace maker) and Charles Darwin (who saw nature as a "battle field" and only fit for the best).

    For this AP (Action Project), 9th grade made mini-gardens. We were required to bring in a container of our choice. Soil, seeds, and plants were provided by our teacher. During class, our teacher mixed quality soil with low-quality soil and placed them into 4 different buckets (there were 4 different groups of 9th graders). Each bucket had a different amount of high quality and low quality soil. We began by measuring the volume and area of our containers. After, we filled our containers with soil. Then, pre-grown flowers were handed out. We were then presented with 3 different seeds: Beans, Peas, and Lettuce. I chose lettuce because they were smaller seeds, meaning I could plant more.

Below I have presented pictures of this experience.

    This experience was very fun and very helpful in learning the role math can play in gardening! I thought gardening was as simple as planting seeds and maybe watching out for harmful insects. This project has taught me that area, volume, and even mantainance play a huge role in having a garden (even if it's a small one).


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