Mi Gaurdiana, Muñeca Pitapena


Hola, and welcome to my blog!

The making of a Quitapena doll was the primary goal of this action project.  We were given instructions to make it using yarn, cloth, pipe cleaners, and many other materials-- after first sketching out what it would look like.  The objective was to talk about terminology related to clothing, colors, and fabrics to describe what the Quitapena doll is wearing and talk about the emotions it can evoke.  I studied the Spanish for the colors as well as the various garment fabrics and the clothing itself.  

We also covered o to ue and e to ei verbs.

The most challenging part of this project was making my doll. I had complication with sewing which slowed down my process and made it difficult to complete my project. Luckily, I was able to make it work! I decided to give my doll one arm to represent a form of disability and how differences should be embraced, and change can be beautiful.

Below is a picture of my sketch, doll, and my sentences:

B.R., Quitapena Doll Sketch, 2023

                              B.R., Quitapena Doll, 2023                           

Mi muñeca quitapena tiene tela verde.

Mi muñeca quitapena le puede dar inteligencia.

Mi muñeca quitapena puede traer amor y felicidad.

Prefiero sacar la frustración.

Prefiero sacar la tristeza.


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