
Dear B, B, and B

When writing a letter to myself, I felt it would be simple. Yet, I was stuck in writer's block. I felt that writing my speech would help me formulate ideas. For our final Action Project of the year, we were to create a capstone. This project was inspired by our seniors--they ended the year with a full highschool reflection! Presenting was very vunerable and emotional. Below is my Letter: A Letter to Us Dear Brooklyn of 2022, It’s been a whole school year! It feels like you’d just started school not even a few months ago. This letter has been difficult to write, as I’m unsure where to start. I guess I could start with the why; why am I writing this letter? For my last AP of the school year, I, along with my classmates, were assigned to create capstones. To put it plainly, a capstone is a project where you reflect on your growth in one or many different areas. The question I was tasked to answer was “How have you grown within GCE’s core values?” I felt the most appropriate way

Chocolate Chip..... Cookies?

  Hello! Welcome or welcome back to my blog! I'm B.R.!      Today's blog will be about my Food class. No, it's not a culinary class, it's actually a STEAM class.        One would wonder how or why a STEAM class is titled "Food", I'm here to tell you. During this term, our main units were soil, stove, and seeds. During our first unit, we discussed how soil connects to food. The answer is simple: "food" grows from soil (or at least most does)! By this, I don't mean hamburgers or salads sprout from the ground, but simply that things in a hamburger or salad come from the crops we've planted. We talked about the different chemicals within soil and how it affects (or doesn’t affect) the food we consume. During our “soil” unit, we planted flowers and seeds for our AP (Action Project). We were to pick between three seeds: beans, lettuce, and peas. I chose lettuce due to a lack of room in my “pot”.  We have also been cooking! For our "stove&q

Mi Gaurdiana, Muñeca Pitapena

  Hola, and welcome to my blog! The making of a Quitapena doll was the primary goal of this action project.  We were given instructions to make it using yarn, cloth, pipe cleaners, and many other materials-- after first sketching out what it would look like.  The objective was to talk about terminology related to clothing, colors, and fabrics to describe what the Quitapena doll is wearing and talk about the emotions it can evoke.  I studied the Spanish for the colors as well as the various garment fabrics and the clothing itself.   We also covered o to ue and e to ei verbs. The most challenging part of this project was making my doll. I had complication with sewing which slowed down my process and made it difficult to complete my project. Luckily, I was able to make it work! I decided to give my doll one arm to represent a form of disability and how differences should be embraced, and change can be beautiful. Below is a picture of my sketch, doll, and my sentences: B.R., Quitapena Doll

Journals & Roses

  Hello, I'm B.R. Romeo & Juliet play list creation was the assignment for this session. I was quite picky about whatever music I wanted to play. Seeing as to how I wanted to have as many "original" songs as possible (not overlapping with classmates). So, I hope you find my presentation interesting. We studied the book Romeo and Juliet in this lesson to learn about a healthy relationship in Shakespeare. Two youths who fell in love the moment they laid eyes on one another are the subjects of the story Romeo and Juliet. Though they had wedding plans, they soon learned that they were rivals to one another. Numerous catastrophes occurred in only that one week after Romeo and Juliet first met.  Here is my slideshow below: 

The Gardener

Hello. As you may know, I am B.R.       In our Food class, we have covered geometry, we reviewed how to find the area and volume of different shapes, including: Squares, Circles, Triangles, Cylinders, Rectangles, etc. Another thing we've covered in class is the different chemicals within our atmosphere, water, and especially soil. The three macronutrients in nutrients are: 1. Nitrogen, 2. Phosphorus, and 3. Potassium. We have also talked about the different perspectives/theories of nature between two very influential people in history,  Fukuoka (whom considered nature a companion or peace maker) and Charles Darwin (who saw nature as a "battle field" and only fit for the best).      For this AP (Action Project), 9th grade made mini-gardens. We were required to bring in a container of our choice. Soil, seeds, and plants were provided by our teacher. During class, our teacher mixed quality soil with low-quality soil and placed them into 4 different buckets (there were 4 diff

The Sweet Pepper

  Hello, I'm B.R.      In our Humanities class called "Food for Thought", we have been uncovering different kinds of racism and connecting them to socioeconomic status which can be related to food. We have covered and deeply studied 4 types of racism. These types of racism are: Structural, Institutional, Interpersonal, and Internalized. Throughout this unit we have explored different films and readings. Our teacher has challenged us to find ways to connect the book How the Other Half Eats to the listed types of racism, socioeconomic status, and the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).     For this AP (Action Project), we were tasked to create a cooking tutorial with a food that is our favorite and has relation to our culture and/or race. In the video we were to connect our food and its ingredients to the 4 types of racism, the SDGs, and our readings. We were also to explain the history of each individual ingredient. I decided to make stuffed bell peppers. They are one o


       Hello! Recently in our Humanities class we had a makeshift poll to decide what our next AP should be about. A classmate of mine suggested a comic book and my teacher loved it, along with a few other people amongst our class. I felt (and still feel) this AP would be extremely fun and inclusive. We were to make a comic book surrounding and relating to our own identities along with a connection to the book of our choice for the unit. We were also provided with the option to work with up to 2 other people. This comic was not required to be realistic and could be completely non-fictional as long as aspects of our identities were included.                                                                                      My Chapter Draft      My partner and I are both Black Americans but of 2 different sexes. We felt it would be more effective to have 2 separate "chapters" for our comic, that way we won't have to sacrifice many of our ideas while still collaborating. M