
Showing posts from March, 2023


       Hello! Recently in our Humanities class we had a makeshift poll to decide what our next AP should be about. A classmate of mine suggested a comic book and my teacher loved it, along with a few other people amongst our class. I felt (and still feel) this AP would be extremely fun and inclusive. We were to make a comic book surrounding and relating to our own identities along with a connection to the book of our choice for the unit. We were also provided with the option to work with up to 2 other people. This comic was not required to be realistic and could be completely non-fictional as long as aspects of our identities were included.                                                                                      My Chapter Draft      My partner and I are both Black Americans but of 2 different sexes. We felt it would be more effective to have 2 separate "chapters" for our comic, that way we won't have to sacrifice many of our ideas while still collaborating. M

Kill Them With Kindness!

  Hello! I'm B.R.      In my coding class we have been using Python to practice and explore. For this unit, we have cover "if" statements, "Boolean" statements, "Elif/else" statements, comments, and a few other things! Using all that we'd learned, we were to create a Chatbot. My very favorite part of this AP was the freedom. I was the freedom. I was able to give my bot personality and customize the entire conversation--it even inspired a few of my peers. I'd say my greatest challenge was understanding where and/or when I made mistakes within my code. It was a simple fix; I'd ask a classmate or my teacher. This AP was very fun, and I wish to do something similar very soon! I was never into coding or computer science but after taking this class I've been taught to be more open minded. I truly enjoyed making this bot and I hope you enjoy talking to him!   My Code:

Battery, I Command You--Create ENERGY!

    Hello everyone! I'm B.R!     Today, I'd like to talk to you about my STEAM class called Energy. For our AP we were to create a battery using things in our homes! We were to conduct an experiement by testing the different energy between our original batteries and a distilled water battery. Below is Will's Scientific Method and my process! Will's Scientific Method: (1) Question: Will my battery have enough energy to create power? (2) Hypothesis: My (original) battery will hold more energy than the battery containing distilled water. (3) Material:                     Paper Plate                    Paper Bowl                    Aluminum Foil                     Green Tea                    Gatorade (4) Procedure:                    a. I poured both green tea and gatorade on a paper plate mixing them, then placing a nickel and penny in the liquid (ensuring the top of the coins are dry).                    b. I then took the electricity measurer and placed it near the sid

This May-Tag A Few Dollars Less

  Hello! I go by B.R. and I am here to discuss my STEAM class titled "Energy". In this Energy class we have gone over many different aspects of energy: eco-related energy, math related energy, and overall science related energy! A small activity I really enjoyed was calculating my horsepower by running up stairs! We first went over the formula for horsepower: mass x gravity x volume/time. Mass= weight, Gravity= 9.81, distance=Length of stairs multiplied by number of stairs. My calculated horsepower was about 43.2, this short activity was really engaging and help me to understand different aspects of energy a tad bit better! For this AP (Action Project), we were required to make a case for energy efficiency as part of our future energy needs. To do this, we were to create an infomercial (about 2 minutes long that explains the basics of our non-fossil fuel energy source of our choice discusses how it produces electricity, highlights its advantages and disadvantages, and shares

Beyond What Is Visible--Intent.

  Hello everyone! If you don't know already, I go by B.R!      Today, I'm here to talk about my "Who Am I" class or more vaguely know as my Humanities class. Throughout the past few weeks, we have been learning/ covering gender and sexuality, along with other aspects of identity. This leads me to our AP (Action Project). We were required to create our own utopia in accordance with both our identities and our passions/interests along with connecting it back to the SDGs. We were to create this utopia using a shoebox or something of resemblance. This AP had four main parts: A 3D model, a slideshow, a blog post, and a (live) presentation at our school.  Below is my slideshow:           This project was so fun! I really enjoyed seeing all of the ideas my classmates came up with and how all of our utopia's turned out. Everyone's boxes, objects, and reasoning were so unique. This experience was fresh and different, and I truly enjoyed being able to express my ideas.