This May-Tag A Few Dollars Less


Hello! I go by B.R. and I am here to discuss my STEAM class titled "Energy". In this Energy class we have gone over many different aspects of energy: eco-related energy, math related energy, and overall science related energy! A small activity I really enjoyed was calculating my horsepower by running up stairs! We first went over the formula for horsepower: mass x gravity x volume/time. Mass= weight, Gravity= 9.81, distance=Length of stairs multiplied by number of stairs. My calculated horsepower was about 43.2, this short activity was really engaging and help me to understand different aspects of energy a tad bit better!

For this AP (Action Project), we were required to make a case for energy efficiency as part of our future energy needs. To do this, we were to create an infomercial (about 2 minutes long that explains the basics of our non-fossil fuel energy source of our choice discusses how it produces electricity, highlights its advantages and disadvantages, and shares data regarding the cost to build new power plants, and to fuel power plants about this energy source.

Below is my video:

This AP was fun but challenging. Thinking of a script and creating a video were the hardest portions of this project. I will also say that organization was difficult for me. This was a very different experience for me, I've come to realize that things as small as timing or script are very important. I allowed my mind to venture into many different ideas making it hard to stick with one. If no lesson stuck with me from this project, I'd say that procrastination is never the most effective method" is something, I'll never forget. I truly enjoyed this AP and hope to do something similar soon.


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