Battery, I Command You--Create ENERGY!

    Hello everyone! I'm B.R!

    Today, I'd like to talk to you about my STEAM class called Energy. For our AP we were to create a battery using things in our homes! We were to conduct an experiement by testing the different energy between our original batteries and a distilled water battery. Below is Will's Scientific Method and my process!

Will's Scientific Method:

(1) Question: Will my battery have enough energy to create power?

(2) Hypothesis: My (original) battery will hold more energy than the battery containing distilled water.

(3) Material: 

                Paper Plate
                Paper Bowl
                Aluminum Foil 
                Green Tea

(4) Procedure:
                a. I poured both green tea and gatorade on a paper plate mixing them, then placing a nickel and penny in the liquid (ensuring the top of the coins are dry).
                b. I then took the electricity measurer and placed it near the sides of the coins after allowing them to sit in the liquid.
                c. Next, I recorded the amount of electricity the coins and liquid produced (-0.001). *Displayed below.*

            d. I repeated this process substituting my original liquid with distilled water. *Results displayed below*

(5) Results and Further Questions:

My original battery was more effective and housed more energy than the distilled water battery. I wonder if the positioning of the cords on the electricity measurer were significant. Would it have been more effective if I'd used a more acidic liquid?

I truly enjoyed this AP; it was interesting seeing the different energy levels amongst my classmates and getting to see how easy it can be to create energy!


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